Final Exam Routine for KG-I & KG-II (2017-18)

During class hours the following exams will be taken:

15thMay (Sunday) & 16th May (Monday) 2016- Spelling & Dictation, Reading

8th May to 12th May 2016: Physical Education, Music and General Knowledge (as per class routine)

 12th May (Thursday) 2016Drawing (last two periods)

Please note that

1. All the guardians are requested to clear the tuition fees up to June 2016, and other dues (if any) by 10th May (Tuesday), 2016. Admit cards will be distributed in the respective class rooms. If any exam is suspended due to unavoidable circumstances, the new schedule will be announced later on (Suspended Exams may be scheduled on Friday or Saturday).

2. During the Final Examination, normal classes will be suspended. On exam days students must attend the school by 8:30am. There will be no assembly during the Final Examination.

3. Result of Final Exam will be published on 11th June (Saturday), 2016.

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